
Buy Me a Coffee is a platform for creators to receive support and funding from their audience. It provides a way for creators to monetize their content and connect with their supporters. They can also create a shop and sell anything from a 1-1 Zoom call to art commissions, or an ebook.


Although Buy Me a Coffee has a FAQ Page, that answers only a subset of questions. For example — as a creator, I would like to know which payment platforms are supported in my country, or how can I add a link to my YouTube Channel.

The answers for such questions are available, but sometimes burried under help & support articles. There's only so much content you can display on your landing page.


We're curious to see how an AI Chatbot could help answer these user questions. Our chatbot is powered by OpenAI and has trained itself by crawling pages from

What you see on the bottom right (no pun intended) is an interactive chatbot than can answer questions specific to Buy Me a Coffee.

Feel free to play around, and as always feedback welcome!

Welcome to Buy Me a Coffee!

Hi 👋 I am an AI-Powered chatbot, ask me anything!

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